Using photos of the internet on a non profit Public Access TV Show

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Hello. First, let me say thanks to all the great lawyers and other folks that take the time to make this site possible. I have been browsing the site for a long time and this is the first time I had a question. So here goes:

I am in the process of starting a boxing talk show on my local public access television station. The show contains commentary and analysis on everything from our favorite fighters, to upcoming fights and everything else boxing. I will make no money as a result of this show and all the cost comes directly out of my pocket. I am doing it for my love of the sport and to promote it within my community. The show will only been shown to residents in my county. Now my question is can I use pictures off the internet to compliment my discussion.

1. I have contacted many fighters "official websites" and asked them for permission to use the pictures found on their site for my show? Do I have to do this? Or can I just show the pictures and ALWAYS credit the website?

2. If I have a picture that says who the photographer is can I use it and credit the photographer? For example, if I have a picture that was in Sports Illustrated in 1980 can I scan the picture and show it on my program and credit Sports Illustrated and the photographer?

3. There are many boxing pictures that appear all over the web that have no copyright, trademark or any indication of where the picture originally originated from. Can I use these pictures? Or are they property of the site I found them on and I need to ask them permission? Or do I have to some how find out who actually took this photo and contact them ans ask them for permission to use the photo?

4. I have been told that if a picture is of certain age (lets say 25 years) than it is public domain. Is this true?

Any help you could provide me in finding the answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Well, I just got my answer to question #2.

"I run our photo licensing dept. and we can license you to use photo in
your show but there will be a fee to use them. The editorial minimum
will be $175 per picture although a discount would be give for multiple

Little out of my price range. Well, it is not as bad as HBO. They wanted to charge me $500 per minute to show highlights from their fights.
without going into the details of copyright law the basic answer to all your questions is "no", you cannot use any products to which another has a copyright. Though there are very narrow exceptions which might be available to you, I would recommend not to bother with it, because you easily end up in costly litigation.

Here is the copyright law:
Thanks for the reply, NYCLex. I have been reading up on Copyright law and came across the ever popular "fair use" clause. Since the pictures I would like to use are to assist me in my "assesment, discussion,commentary ect." of boxers cant I get away with the fair use clause. I am also using the pictures to "educate" my viewers on what the boxers look like. Do I got anything here?
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