Utility Company placed Charge-Off on my CR

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New Member
I moved out of an apartment in 11/2002. All of a sudden 3 days ago TXU energy placed a bill on my credit report for $1600 for the time period between 11/2002 and 04/2004. I have proven to them that I didn't live there but they say I'm responsible since I didnt cancel utilites. I left because I broke my neck and had to move back with family. Someone else moved in 12/03 and had free electricity. I feel the apartments are responsible for that bill. If I have to pay, can I sue the apartments or TXU for reimbursement. They have not notified me until now 6 years later that the bill is outstanding.
The statute of limitations in Texas for debts of that type is four years.

They can't collect the debt from you or anyone else.

This is most likely a bottom feeder collection agency.

Do not respond to their demands, because if you do, you reactivate the statute of litations.

If they sue you, I'll personally tell you how to beat the case.

Otherwise, for your own sake, ignore them.

If you have to, change your telephone number.

But, ignore them!!!!
Send a letter to the credit bureau to remove the debt from your credit. Cite the facts as it is not yours and even if it was it is well past the SOL in Texas (4 years as Army says).
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