Utility Issues and Harassment

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New Member
The state or country I am talking about is: Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Hello. I've been reading on here for a while and you guys are giving some great advice. My wife and I are currently going through a landlord-tenant ordeal (warning: its a bit long). Basically, last July, when I moved down to Dallas, my wife remained in Indiana and got a new apartment. In December, she was able to move down here with me. A verbal agreement was made with management that my wife would attempt to find a sublease on her own, but that they would point possible new tenants to their board for her sublease. I called about a month ago and pretended to be an individual looking for a sublease. The individual did not give my wife's apartment number out as a valid sublease option during this discussion and management is now claiming that they have never stated they would assist. During check-out, she received full marks for her apartment, and during a later discussion between myself and management, the individual told me that she would receive her full deposit back and that she left her apartment "immaculate." Now, within the last week, management left a somewhat antagonistic message stating that my wife had full responsibility for maintaining her utilities and she owed the apartment complex 119.50 for back payment on her gas bill. They immediately threatened legal action, and when my wife called back, management told her that "it only takes common sense to understand" and "you should be smart enought to figure it out." However, when my wife checked out, she informed management that she was shutting off her utilities and she received consent from that individual. My wife then shut all utilities off, including gas. However, management is claiming that it was never shut off, but switched to their name (apparently the gas company did this themselves and switched it over to the apartment complex) and that my wife is responsible for payment. I looked at the lease myself and the only thing I can see that addresses this situation is a section that says,

"1. Utilities: Lessee will be responsible for payment of utilities until lease agreement ends. Lessor is not liable for failure to provide utilities. Tenant agrees to advise Lessor in writing at least five (5) days before turning off any utilities in his or her name. Failure to do so will make Lessee liable for any damages due to failure to give written notice....The only exception to this clause is: Tenant is liable for all utilities until lease agreement ends."

I attempted to call and resolve the manner myself with management, but they were not there. I told the secretary to call me back with their emergency contact number within an hour. She did not do this, and when I called her back, she hung up on me. I repeatedly called back, got the answering machine, and then finally she warned me that she was going to call the police. While this was occurring, the owner of the complex called my wife and told her we were not allowed to call the complex anymore and, once again, threatened legal action regarding the utilities. The only thing we had ever been seeking for this matter was clarification from them, but it is my belief that they had established an antagonistic relationship. Finally, the police called and I spoke with the office who took the call that I was harrassing them. She informed me of specific uses of profanity/harrassment that was a complete lie (Not once did I use profanity during the conversation). Her advice at this point was to submit everything to the complex in writing from now on. Okay, that's a lot of information, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible. Here are my questions, given this situation:

1. Legally, could what I did be construed as harrassment? It appears to be hearsay at this point, and the only thing that I can take responsibility for is repeatedly calling the complex to gain some information on the matter.

2. In my opinion, there has been several instances of misinformation and verbal agreements that have been violated by management. Is there anything, legally, we can do about this?

3. I would like to send a letter to management stating that, if they continue oral communications, it will be construed as harrassment. Do I have a case for this, given everything that has happened AND if they continue to call us?

4. We will be sending a check along with the letter for the gas bill and switching that utility over to my wife's name again. Given the content of the lease and legal applicability, can they require us to maintain all utilities until the lease ends? What utilities are we required by law to maintain?

5. I would also like to include in the letter the written documentation/verbal consent that my wife will get all her deposit back. Should we worry about getting the full amount back and, if we don't, is there something we can do?

6. If management attempts legal action here (despite the fact that the check for the gas utility is in the mail and that we have never directly disputed their claim), is there a possibility of a suit against them for defamation, etc?

Thanks for all the help!
Sorry to hear about your predicament but let me ask you this -- why do you state that a "verbal agreement" was made that the management would direct potential sub-tenants towards your wife? It seems to me to be an offer to direct traffic without any obligation. With regard to any contract, there needs to be a trinity present: an offer, an acceptance and an exchange of consideration of value. We have the first two, but what is your wife giving them in return to make this a binding contract? I don't see any and chances are that most managing agents just would offer to find someone else to take over a tenants lease or pay the penalty of forfeiture of the lease! It just doesn't make sense, does it?

Regarding the utilities, the lease says it all. I've seen a number of these but if you think about it, if you were in their shoes, why would you make such an agreement? I know you want to have an outcome in your favor but the subleasing responsibility is solely borne by your wife as are the utilities for the unit. You would do better in not having antagonized management and at this point I'm not sure what there is left to do excecpt pay what you owe and not deal with any potential legal fees or other collection expenses -- which I'm sure are listed in the lease as well.

dproost said:
The state or country I am talking about is: Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Hello. I've been reading on here for a while and you guys are giving some great advice. My wife and I are currently going through a landlord-tenant ordeal (warning: its a bit long). Basically, last July, when I moved down to Dallas, my wife remained in Indiana and got a new apartment. In December, she was able to move down here with me. A verbal agreement was made with management that my wife would attempt to find a sublease on her own, but that they would point possible new tenants to their board for her sublease. I called about a month ago and pretended to be an individual looking for a sublease. The individual did not give my wife's apartment number out as a valid sublease option during this discussion and management is now claiming that they have never stated they would assist. During check-out, she received full marks for her apartment, and during a later discussion between myself and management, the individual told me that she would receive her full deposit back and that she left her apartment "immaculate." Now, within the last week, management left a somewhat antagonistic message stating that my wife had full responsibility for maintaining her utilities and she owed the apartment complex 119.50 for back payment on her gas bill. They immediately threatened legal action, and when my wife called back, management told her that "it only takes common sense to understand" and "you should be smart enought to figure it out." However, when my wife checked out, she informed management that she was shutting off her utilities and she received consent from that individual. My wife then shut all utilities off, including gas. However, management is claiming that it was never shut off, but switched to their name (apparently the gas company did this themselves and switched it over to the apartment complex) and that my wife is responsible for payment. I looked at the lease myself and the only thing I can see that addresses this situation is a section that says,

"1. Utilities: Lessee will be responsible for payment of utilities until lease agreement ends. Lessor is not liable for failure to provide utilities. Tenant agrees to advise Lessor in writing at least five (5) days before turning off any utilities in his or her name. Failure to do so will make Lessee liable for any damages due to failure to give written notice....The only exception to this clause is: Tenant is liable for all utilities until lease agreement ends."

I attempted to call and resolve the manner myself with management, but they were not there. I told the secretary to call me back with their emergency contact number within an hour. She did not do this, and when I called her back, she hung up on me. I repeatedly called back, got the answering machine, and then finally she warned me that she was going to call the police. While this was occurring, the owner of the complex called my wife and told her we were not allowed to call the complex anymore and, once again, threatened legal action regarding the utilities. The only thing we had ever been seeking for this matter was clarification from them, but it is my belief that they had established an antagonistic relationship. Finally, the police called and I spoke with the office who took the call that I was harrassing them. She informed me of specific uses of profanity/harrassment that was a complete lie (Not once did I use profanity during the conversation). Her advice at this point was to submit everything to the complex in writing from now on. Okay, that's a lot of information, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible. Here are my questions, given this situation:

1. Legally, could what I did be construed as harrassment? It appears to be hearsay at this point, and the only thing that I can take responsibility for is repeatedly calling the complex to gain some information on the matter.

2. In my opinion, there has been several instances of misinformation and verbal agreements that have been violated by management. Is there anything, legally, we can do about this?

3. I would like to send a letter to management stating that, if they continue oral communications, it will be construed as harrassment. Do I have a case for this, given everything that has happened AND if they continue to call us?

4. We will be sending a check along with the letter for the gas bill and switching that utility over to my wife's name again. Given the content of the lease and legal applicability, can they require us to maintain all utilities until the lease ends? What utilities are we required by law to maintain?

5. I would also like to include in the letter the written documentation/verbal consent that my wife will get all her deposit back. Should we worry about getting the full amount back and, if we don't, is there something we can do?

6. If management attempts legal action here (despite the fact that the check for the gas utility is in the mail and that we have never directly disputed their claim), is there a possibility of a suit against them for defamation, etc?

Thanks for all the help!

Well, to begin with, the issue that we have had with management was not the lease terms. In fact, we have already agreed to pay for the utilities. The issue concerned several lines of misinformation. We are expected to follow the lease, but aren't we also expected to get accurate information from those who enforce the lease? Management "ok'd" the decision to shut off utilities when my wife moved out. They also agreed to direct people to that apartment via their bulletin board. I understand there are no legally binding aspects here, but it is very difficult to follow a lease when you are given misinformation like this.

The major point of contention is really what you discussed in your second paragraph: antagonism. However, your message seems to indicate that, despite being pursued through very rude messages, being hung up on repeatedly, and (presently) being threatened with court action (even though they cashed the check for our utilities already), we should just bite our tongues and not express our rights to be treated like human beings. I refuse to send a message saying that treating tenants in this fashion is okay. The antagonism began with a direct threat of legal action before attempting any other form of mediation.

When does this finally constitute harrassment? Who stands up for the rights of tenants being treated in this way? At this point, it just seems like management can do whatever they want to us. We just received a gas bill (once we switched it over to her name) for 35.00 for seven days. At the most, she paid 60.00/month previously. If they want, management can raise the heat/air solely out of spite, and there's nothing we can do about this. They can also create future reasons for not giving us our deposit back, because the previous verbal statement by management saying the apartment was "immaculate" when she left is purely heresay. These are the most disconcerting aspects of the current situation: management has the ability to do whatever they want, and there's nothing we can do about it, especially being so far away.
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