Va law on used car purchase heres the story

Stephanie cox

New Member
I was just wondering what is the VA law and if any re course i may have. Some months ago I purchased a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer through a person who had the Vehicle listed on a APP called letgo and he represented himself as a private owner of this vehicle so long story short he wrote to me in the app nothing was wrong with the vehicle the ac worked and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it and I new I was purchasing a older vehicle as is. My mother met him to do a test drive cause i just had surgery and it drove and seemed to be okand he said it had current inspection and there was a current sticker so she put a deposit down and he was suppose to deliver the car to me the next day and I would give him the other half he then called me and said he would be late because they came across a problem when it was inspected and needed some work started getting shady lol from there turns out when he came to house to deliver he was not private sale but from a little ranky dealership we never knew existed and so I went ahead gave him other half cause I didn't want to lose a grand he assured me nothing was wrong now in a text and in person after they made the repairs to the problems he was unaware of so gave him other grand cause figured was stuck but was pissed he lied bout all that and being from a dealership but then its been some months now and mother long story short I ended up coming into possession after having to actually go to go to the dealership for other DMV paperwork and I guess he accidentally gave me this auto repair shop repair receipt from whoever he got the vehicle from and on it when the went in for repairs it said the frame was rusted bad and there's a big whole in the frame and I guess they couldn't or did not repair it can I do anything about this now or I'm just stuck with it given it was as is and Several months have now passed and also when went to DMV he gave me a thi.s DMV form saying it was actuall mileage and on title it said mileage but when went to DMV they would not take firm they said anyone can get those firms and write what they want down but they never registed/titled it after purchase so now I either have to find original owners or title it with the lowest value I no one big mess I knew that wasn't happening so after all day there and figuring I was screwed anyway I titled it like that I guess if I hadn't could I have even did something then?? But my main concern is his lie and hiding the fact he knew there was a huge hole in frame and yes I no my mom o I should of had a mechanic look over first if only I had a lol so what is the law/ rights in Va thanks
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I was just wondering what is the VA law and if any re course i may have. Some months ago I purchased a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer through a person who had the Vehicle listed on a APP called letgo and he represented himself as a private owner of this vehicle so long story short he wrote to me in the app nothing was wrong with the vehicle the ac worked and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it and I new I was purchasing a older vehicle as is. My mother met him to do a test drive cause i just had surgery and it drove and seemed to be okand he said it had current inspection and there was a current sticker so she put a deposit down and he was suppose to deliver the car to me the next day and I would give him the other half he then called me and said he would be late because they came across a problem when it was inspected and needed some work started getting shady lol from there turns out when he came to house to deliver he was not private sale but from a little ranky dealership we never knew existed and so I went ahead gave him other half cause I didn't want to lose a grand he assured me nothing was wrong now in a text and in person after they made the repairs to the problems he was unaware of so gave him other grand cause figured was stuck but was pissed he lied bout all that and being from a dealership but then its been some months now and mother long story short I ended up coming into possession after having to actually go to go to the dealership for other DMV paperwork and I guess he accidentally gave me this auto repair shop repair receipt from whoever he got the vehicle from and on it when the went in for repairs it said the frame was rusted bad and there's a big whole in the frame and I guess they couldn't or did not repair it can I do anything about this now or I'm just stuck with it given it was as is and Several months have now passed and also when went to DMV he gave me a thi.s DMV form saying it was actuall mileage and on title it said mileage but when went to DMV they would not take firm they said anyone can get those firms and write what they want down but they never registed/titled it after purchase so now I either have to find original owners or title it with the lowest value I no one big mess I knew that wasn't happening so after all day there and figuring I was screwed anyway I titled it like that I guess if I hadn't could I have even did something then?? But my main concern is his lie and hiding the fact he knew there was a huge hole in frame and yes I no my mom o I should of had a mechanic look over first if only I had a lol so what is the law/ rights in Va thanks
Do yourself a favor...edit in some punctuation (.,!?) and paragraphs (white space). As your post stands it is very hard to read.
As is means as is. You saw the red flags and went ahead anyway... Lesson learned.
Always thoroughly inspect the vehicle prior to purchase. Never take their word for it.

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