Va Law regarding teen


New Member
I share joint custody of my son whom is now 17 his father hasnt seen or spoke to him in over a year we have joint custody with his father to get visitation. I am the custodial parent. My son has been getting in trouble for a few year. Is his father also responsible for the restitution that I have had to pay?? also there are medical bills I have accrued I carry the insurance on our son is he responsible for any unpaid medical bills also. I can not get in touch with my x husband he has blocked my phone as well as our sons. WHen our son started gettng into trouble he told me he wasnthis "problem" anymore and blocked all contact numbers.
I share joint custody of my son whom is now 17 his father hasnt seen or spoke to him in over a year we have joint custody with his father to get visitation. I am the custodial parent. My son has been getting in trouble for a few year. Is his father also responsible for the restitution that I have had to pay?? also there are medical bills I have accrued I carry the insurance on our son is he responsible for any unpaid medical bills also. I can not get in touch with my x husband he has blocked my phone as well as our sons. WHen our son started gettng into trouble he told me he wasnthis "problem" anymore and blocked all contact numbers.

First of all, read your EXISTING custody order.
The order you possess will detail what your former husband is required to pay.
If it isn't in the order, he isn't responsible.

If you believe he owes something the order says he must pay, off to court you go to convince a judge you're right.

He doesn't need to visit his son, and no court can make him do so.
He also isn't required to hear anything about his son, if he so chooses.
About all he can be ordered to do is pay what is in the EXISTING custody order.

If your son won't stop his aberrant behaviors, the law will stop him soon. He's only 17, but the law in most states consider 17 year olds to be "keepers".
That means, if he keeps doing BAD THINGS, BREAKING THEIR LAWS, he'll end up in jail or prison.
By the time he gets out, he'll realy be an adult, beyond the age of 18!!!!

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