Vacation Time


New Member
New York
I work for a school as a 12 month part-time employee and work %50 of the hours of a full time employee. Upon hire in October 2014 I was told I would receive %50 of the benefits of a full-time employee. I work 1/2 days everyday, 3.5 hours no lunch or breaks. A full time employee works 7 hours not including lunch/breaks. Per our employment contract, in my number of years service, a full-time employee receives 10 working days of vacation (which totals 70 hours). There is no mention of a part time employee. Until recently I have received 10 half days of paid vacation which totals 35 hours. Recently my employer said I have been receiving incorrect accruals and I should only receive 5 half days of paid vacation which totals 17.5 hours of paid vacation. I think this calculation is incorrect as it is only 25%of a full-time employee. I am looking for advice.

My union representative and I have spoken to my Human Resources Director. She disagrees with my calculation.
This is entirely between you, your union and your employer. It is not a legal matter - it is a contract matter. I have not read your union contract.
What did your union rep. say about the disagreement?
This is entirely between you, your union and your employer. It is not a legal matter - it is a contract matter. I have not read your union contract.
If I upload my contract is this something you would review. It is a 'public' contract that can be foiled.
What did your union rep. say about the disagreement?
My union rep will not take a stance on the actual days I should be receiving. She did say that they have been giving me a specific amount of time for the past two years and does not feel it is appropriate that they now change the calculation midway through the school year.
Given the fact that your own rep is only stating that they shouldn't change accrual methods mid-year and is not arguing that HR is wrong, I don't think uploading it here would accomplish anything. Our opinions would not be binding on your employer.

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