Variety of Child Support Questions-HELP

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New Member
1. What % does having another child and getting support for that child have on my case and the mothers adjusted income?
2. Does GA courts not consider the amount of time spent with child and the voluntary child support given to mother. I have her every weekend from Friday evening till 8:oo on Monday also during holiday breaks, and 2-3 weeks during the summer.
3. At what % does the court start with to determine child support (17-23%)? I do have her 50% of the time.
4. The mother currently has state help (food stamps, healthcare) in our mediation she stated she does not want me to porvide insurance and wants to keep her on gov. care, the suggested amount of child support now doesn't include insurance but what happens when the gov. finds out that she is receiving enough money and there is someone to provide insurance? Should I deduct what the additional cost will be when she loses the help and then suggest that that new amount be the child support?
5. If I can get them to start with the 17% (due to parenting time deviation) can I then deduct the insurance? Or is the 17% the absolute lowest that any court would agree to give given any circumstance?
Most often the court looks at a table and you pay off the table. Informal payments (payments of goods, services, or under the table) are not counted. All payments should be as ordered by the court and through legal channels.
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