Your answer is appreciated. Please clarify: the legal ownership, on the date of the accident, is determined by the title, not the bill of sale? Thank you,
Now, that isn't a yes or no answer.
The title is alleged to be encumbered by a lien.
If that is true, the seller wasn't authorized to sell it LEGALLY.
Could you sell your home if a lender held a mortgage against it?
For all you know today, the seller may not have owned the vehicle.
BTW, that's usually how this scam works.
First of all, do you know the alleged title to be valid?
The bill of sale can prove it was sold to you.
However, as you've found out, the vehicle has a lien against it.
What would possess anyone to sell a vehicle with a lien against it, or a house with a lien on the deed?
One thing, and one thing ONLY, the "seller" is also a scammer.
I suggest you run the VIN against one or two of the many online and/or apps that provide you with information of vehicles via the VIN.
You can also see what the "seller's/aka/scammer's" motor vehicle agency has to say about the matter, or even your state's agency.
I suggest you gather as many facts as you can before you plead your case to the lealized SCAMMERS that run eBay.