Verbal Abuse in the Workplace

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Anyone Have Any Advice:

I have been working for the same company for the past 4 years. I work for a franchised auto shop and I am the only female there. My title is the Office Manager. My problem is with verbal abuse on the job. I have complained to the manager about certain technicians drinking on the job numerous times. Doesnt seem to help because he also drinks on the job. This really causes problems when certain tech's get drunk and the get very nasty. I am tired of being on the other end of their drunken stupor. I have been called every name in the book but I not suppose to get upset, or let it bother me. Thats what the OWNER says. I cant take it no more and want to file some sort of legal complaint. My husband doesnt even talk to me the way these guys do and Im tired of it. I cant just up and quit, I have kids and we live pay check to pay check now. If I file a legal complaint can the owner fire me. I really need help!

Is there someone above the manager you can complain too, the corporate office maybe? Make sure you document the abuse...days, times, what is said. Send a letter return receipt. The manager will probably try and retaliate and could try and fire you for other keep a log of some sort and names of witnesses if any, including customers. If you are fired or retaliated against for complaining you may be covered under the Whistleblowers Act. Check out the website for the Office of Civil Rights and see if your complaints are covered under any of their laws before you procede. You called the man the manager, so their may be an owner you can complain to, but do it in writing and mail return receipt, keep a copy of the letter(s) for your records.
Forgot to say that you probably need to make sure you verbalize your objection to the language used and the names you are called. Tell the offender(s) that they are acting inappropriately towards you and that you want it to stop. Document your verbal responses to the offender(s) dates, times, and names.
Verbal Abuse in the work place

This is a Franchised Company and the owner is aware. I talk to the owner on a regular basis. Seems like it goes in one ear and out the other. Tells me not to let it bother me and some how once he talks to the guys he acts like the confrontation was probably my fault. I dont see how them drinking on the job, getting drunk and acting hostile is my fault. All I was trying to do is my job and last I looked being verbally abused my a drunk man part of my job description. Im just so fed up and want to show that this will not be tolerated. I can't just up and quit need the money. What to do.
Verbal Abuse in the work place

This is a Franchised Company and the owner is aware. I talk to the owner on a regular basis. Seems like it goes in one ear and out the other. Tells me not to let it bother me and some how once he talks to the guys he acts like the confrontation was probably my fault. I dont see how them drinking on the job, getting drunk and acting hostile is my fault. All I was trying to do is my job and last I looked being verbally abused by a drunk man wasn't part of my job description. Im just so fed up and want to show that this will not be tolerated. I can't just up and quit need the money. What to do.
There are other jobs out there. Find another one before you quit. It is not against the law for an employer to be a jerk. If you have complained to HR and the higher ups and you are not getting anywhere, then it is time to quit.

If you feel you are being discriminated against because you are female you can file a complaint with the EEOC but other than that, verbal abuse is not against the law.
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