Assault & Battery Verbal abuse

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He verbally abuses our teenage children and threatens physical violence is this enough for a restraining order?
He verbally abuses our teenage children and threatens physical violence is this enough for a restraining order?

Only a court can determine if his behavior translates into an order of protection.

If you or your children are being physically abused IMMEDIATELY (or as soon as possible) call "911" and ask for the police. The police will ensure you or your babies get treated and advise you how to seek an order of protection.

If you've been beaten yesterday, or at anytime, report that to the police. Again, let the police ensure your safety first. An order of protection is just a piece of paper. It can't really stop a violent monster from hurting you or your babies.

So, you might want to just move out as soon as you can, even if it's back to mother's, a friend's, or a battered women's shelter.

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