Consumer Law, Warranties verbal agreement binding?

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I am stuck between two friends (even though I've picked my side) regarding a verbal agreement dispute over a pony. "Friend A's" mother fell off the pony in question and they think (I know it's tragic). Since then, she repeatedly told me how the pony was "evil" and that she thinks she should shoot it or at least put her down if she could afford to (starting to feel less sorry for her!). Being that I am a huge animal lover and curse anyone who would hurt and innocent animal that just happen to get caught up in this unfortunate circumstance, I suggested she transfer ownership to someone else. After agreeing to this, "Friend A" said "I'm trying to find someone who will take her......if you know anyone who is interested....she's free of charge." So......I contacted "Friend B" who is a huge horse lover, extremely accomplished rider, and has recently come into an inherritence of her own enabling her to house the horse (she's a croos between a horse and pony)on her 15 acres of property. I then contacted "Friend A" to tell her the good news. Keep in mind that one week has passed since "Friend A" decided to look for a new home for the pony. "Friend A" was ecstatic and thanked me for finding someone. She then told me how she hated the pony and beat her when she found out that her mother had a riding accident off her. This encouraged me even more to get this horse out of her barn! So.... We all arranged to meet up 4 days later so my friend could see the pony. The day before this meeting was to take place, I recieved a call from "Friend A" saying that she would like to recieve some money from the pony now that she can. This was a bit upsetting, since it wasn't originally agreed.....I mean, she was going to KILL the horse a few days prior. So, I called "Friend B" and told her what was going on. She agreed to pay $350 and "Friend A" accepted. We went through with the meeting and all seemed well. "Friend B" loved the horse and we all decided then and there that "Friend A" was simply upset with this horse over her mother's death.....because the pony was perfectly sound, definitely not evil, etc. I am a horse trainer myself, that is the only reason I feel that I am qualified to say this. After this hour long meeting, "Friend B" fell in love with this pony and handed the check to "Friend A" who accepted it. It was stated by me at least twice during this period that "Friend A" should not feel pressured to accept the check if she is not comfortable selling the pony for any reason. She dismissed my claim and joyfully spoke about where the pony would live (an area in which her mother grew up and cherished). "Freind A" and "Friend B" then discussed plans of transferring the pony to its' new home. "Friend B" said she would have the pony picked up within the next week (4 days). "Friend A" agreed and we said our goodbyes. Long story short....and leaving out details......."Friend A" called me a few days later to tell me that there are now terms on which she will sell this pony. She said, "she's crazy and I want my trainer to look at her". When I asked what happend....she simply said that this pony "has a record" and then rambled on about how the pony won't "bend her neck to the right" (which is absurd and irrelevant) and refused to let me in on anything else. She then said that if "Friend B" will come out and train with "Friend A's" trainer, she will give her the horse. She then said that it could take up to a year to train this horse better manners....and that she won't sign over ownership until the trainer says that "Friend B" and the horse are compatible. We were furious to say the least!!! Now, after I questioned her motives, "Friend A" said, "well, what if she goes out of town for a weekend, or has classes, or work, who will take care of the pony?" Excuses have ranged from far and wide. I can understand if she has an emotional attachment b/c of her mother.....but the relations between this girl and her mother were non-existent and her sympathies for the circumstances were lacking as well. It seems like more of a control issue.What are "Friend B's " rights to this pony if any? Since it was an oral contract and "Friend A" accepted the check and arranged for hauling......does this pony blong to "Friend B"? Her main concern is the pony.....not the check.....which hasn't been cashed yet. Thanks...........further details are available
If it was the way you described it, it sounds as if there was a valid contract between friend B and the horse owner. They seemed to have agreed on the terms, B tendered payment, A accepted it, so most probably she is now obligated to turn over the horse. You would have to check if your state has any special laws regarding sales of livestock, if such contracts have to be in writing.

Of course, this is not meant to be a legal evaluation of the case, since I only heard your side of the story, but if everything was as you said, it at least sounds likely that there is a valid contract. More cannot be said here.
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Everything Is Worked Out......the Owner Of The Horse Agreed To Sell After I Responded Saying We Were Taking Her To Court. The Horse Is Now In A Good Home. Thanks For The Help
I am glad to hear that.
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