verbal agreements

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New Member
i have been told, by several people involved in the legal field, that verbal agreements are binding. my questions are, how binding are they, say, in small claims court and how do you prove a vebal agreement? thanks, michelle
By attaching any type of evidence you can to the claim (i.e - affidavits from witnesses, receipts, emails, and the like.) Hope this helps! response thanks! all i have are phone calls. this person gave me and 1 other person a verbal agreement on my situation, and then on the last phone call i got 'i've changed my mind'. where does that leave me?
with the other person as a witness to the original transaction.
i have been told, by several people involved in the legal field, that verbal agreements are binding. my questions are, how binding are they, say, in small claims court and how do you prove a vebal agreement? thanks, michelle

Michelle - presutin's advice is good. Think of it this way - if you were asked by someone to decide who was right with an agreement made verbally, how would you decide? Based upon the person who provided you with the most crediblity and evidence that their version is correct. A letter might be evidence, partial performance by one party that shows that some type of agreement was made, telephone messages that are recorded on your machine, emails, etc. Best of luck to you!
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