Consumer Law, Warranties verbal contract made by an employee...legit?

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Dex Media called my office and talked to an employee and asked if they were authorized to make decisions for the company. The employee said "yes" ( she was not an authorized signatory of the business) and Dex proceeded to go over the next years advertising contract with her. They have her recorded on their system agreeing to extra advertising and the years contract. I am the only officer of the company, and never saw a thing from dex until the bill came in May, with the "upgraded charges". At that point it was to late to change anything since the phonebooks had already gone into print.

Can they legally hold me to a contract that I wasn't even involved with?

I still want to do business with them, I just want spend my money in the correct areas with them.

Don't they have to have something on file from me authorizing employees to make those decisions in my stead?

Their legal dept. is telling me that the employee is my responsibility, so the contract is binding.

I haven't paid my bill yet, but thier collections dept is hounding me for payment.

What options do I have.
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