Verbal Contract- VA

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I aqcuired a horse 2 years ago. I say aquired because I got him for free because he was lame in one leg. After about 6 months he was ridable. I gave him to my aunt to take care of for about a year and then got him back. All this time his registration papers are in my name. I met my (ex) friend a few months ago because I posted an ad for him online trying to sell him, I couldn't really afford to keep him. Well we started hanging out and became friends and she ended up moving in with us, although it was temporary. During all this time I am thinking of moving to the state of Washington and taking my other 2 horses with me. I did tell her that if that happens and I still have them, then I was going to give him to her. During this time she was supposed to be leasing him from me so that I could still afford to keep him. That would include paying his board and half of his food and other care. NO money ever exchanged hands, so I was still paying for everything. Nothing was in writing. At one point I told her that she either needs to outright own him or he needed to be sold, to which she had no reply. Well I found him a home and pretty much gave him away, the case still being I can't really afford him. The horses's registration papers, as well as the vet records for the past 2 years are in either mine (or my aunt's) name. She came screaming at me claiming that the horse was hers and she is going to sue me over him and she is looking for him claiming that he is stolen and I had no right to do that. I've known her for about 3 or 4 months and had that horse for 2 years. Does she have any rights because of the verbal agreement? I'm not in Washington, I am still in Virginia so that part of the deal never went through. I have already signed him over to the new owner and he is happy in his new home but I kept the papers and everything else I had in case I need them. Does she have a case at all??? I was looking in the best interest of the horse. She couldn't afford to help me pay for his food and board so I know she wouldn't have been able to take care of him. But is this something I need to be worried about??
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