Verbal harassment

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My wife is employed in a private school as the principal of the elementary grades. She is currently in her fourth year. Her immediate supervisor has no concept of the proper way to handle employees and whenever she attempts to show him the expectations associated with her job and his supervision thereof, he blows up. He has repeatedly screamed at her in staff meetings over very minor matters and has even shouted at her in the school office in front of staff, parents and students. It has come to the point that I am afraid she will have a nervous breakdown at any moment. I attempted to speak with the supervisor myself and was likewise shouted out of his office. I believe that he feels that since he is male and she is female that he can get away with this especially since they are in a private school setting. What recourse might we have? I must do something soon as my wife is on the edge. The supervisor has hidden his temper from his superiors very well and he has so intimidated other school employees that they won't hardly speak out.
"Antique" posting

She finally just left the job before the supervisor found an excuse to fire her. She felt that she had to do this as he openly threatened her with firing on the first day of school. Suffice it to say we are better rid of that whole mess. She has since been the principal at another private school with no problems and is currently once again in the public schools as a principal. We prefer to look on those bad years as a "trial by fire" and go on from there. Thanks for getting back to me even if my plea is an "antique"
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