Verbal harrassment and racial slur

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Hi everyone, i was seeking legal advice from multiple places on how to proceed with a verbal harassment case.

I work for a college as a grounds person, and the problem was with the residential director. We were working in the hall and told us we had to be out a few days earlier than scheduled. I had heard nothing about this so i told her i had to call my boss, i did so, and he said we were to be there the time alloted and not earlier(as in doing only half the work, and leaving the rest)
So i told her and she started cussing me out saying im doing a bad job, im lazy, im fat, and cant do anything right.....
at that point, i didnt care so much, so she called her boss and stated the issues, and she was told we were to be there the full time and do the whole job. After that, she had made requests for us to do things for her, I did just so it would make her happy and we wouldnt have to deal with her. When we were moving the items, She would tell us to move it back and forth for about 10 min, i got fed up with it and told her its good enough. At that point she blew a lid and starting cussing saying, "I'm the RD, Its my F*cking hall, I can tell you what the F*ck to do, Dont f*cking tell me what to do, you guys are F*cking (N-word's)." At that point told her not to treat people that way and she left. As im still working in the hall, im waiting to go to the superiors about this. as i am not african-american, this doesn't offend me, nor my co-worker, so we dont care about the racial slur, becuase it really doesnt offend us, only to the extent that it shouldnt be used.
should i tell my superiors and if they ignore the problem go after the college, as she is a representative for the college, or is this a personal matter?
Second, is this even worthy of a harassment case?
I would greatly appreciate the help!
Yes, you should let your supervisors know about this.

No, this is not even remotely close to enough for a harassment case.
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