Jail time is also not negotiated in exchange for dropping charges, even in criminal cases. It does not work like that. Sounds like this woman is a nut job and if she even has a lawyer, he/she is totally incompetent.
Are there actual damages? Medical bills? Lost wages? Damaged property?
Are there actual damages? Medical bills? Lost wages? Damaged property?
Hi ElleMD,
I am going by what my family has told me we are very close. I can't and won't sit in a courtroom with them for support because I can't be in same room as him and her.
The criminal trial she stated she was brutally beaten she did go to ER but My cousin D got hurt too and she also went to ER. D spent 1 night because of being kicked and punched in the head. My two Aunts were trying to break up the fight and the cops believed Satan and Lucifer (my nicknames for them) that they didn't start fight he is a cop and they took his word. So 2 Aunts were taken in and Detectives took D in as soon as hospital released her.
The mediation went on for a year and her lawyers were trying to say if My Aunts and cousin will take 6 months in jail she would dismiss other charges. The Judge threw it out LACK OF EVIDENCE. So criminal is done.
Now of August 2015 she served all of them papers she is suing them in supreme court. Her issues are.
#1 My family saw her and went after her so it was premeditated (for what reason they had none) My cousin Satan started it verbally (D is his sister) and out of know where Lucifer and two friends surrounded D and jumped her.
#2 she was brutally beaten it was a planed attack .Which caused her pain and suffering and shock.
#3 Her tooth was almost knocked out ,she had an eye injury pain suffering ,missing work , panic attacks and PTSD.
#4 I'm sorry but this makes me laugh they ruined her wedding because her eye Dr. Said she would have to wear an eye patch on plane due to air pressure she was too embarrassed so they had to take a train to the cruise and couldn't fly. Which I know is B.S. my cousin was my best friend he told me and I know he doesn't fly that they were taking amtrack.
Jerry Springer wouldn't even believe this story . I don't believe in fighting but if 4 people jump on one you have to defend yourself.
My Cousin is an animal a disgrace to the NYPD to good cops everywhere
Thank you all for your help I have been so worried between my family being destroyed by sadness, and legal fees.
My husband told me like they mediation with criminal trial beings he didn't want to go to criminal court she was negotiating that meant her case wasn't too strong and if her lawyer is trying to settle before a Jury or judge trial that its sounds like the case doesn't hold much water