Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Victim of Identity Theft

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In 1998 and 1999, an individual had used my name for some criminal activity. He was sentenced to jail time and probation for both offenses, one was attempted burglary and the other posession of an opium pipe. Needless to say, I never knew this occured. I did not find this out until I was wrongfully terminated from my job in January. Even after receiving a letter of absolution from the San Bernardino PD, I was still not hired back. I have been fighting for two months to get my name cleared with no avail, because the individual is still serving time in an out of state prison. All they want to charge this individual with is 3 years in jail and a slap on the wrist.

This is what I don't understand and makes NO sense to me at all. In 1998 I started college and the jail time was not served until the end of December. 1 month of jail time would mean me missing out of almost half of a quarter, missing all my midterms, homeworks, labs, etc. Same as for 1999 except the jail time was in February. Same situation applies. Not to mention probation for both the charges, and since my college is in Riverside County and the crimes in San Bernardino County, that would have affect my schooling. I went on through 5 years of college and two degrees without a hitch or hiccup.

Another thing is although the crimes I supposedly commited happened at age 18+, my parents should still be notified since I am still in their custody and they were at the time still providing for me? I'm not sure on how my college handles arrests that means missing half a quarter, as I still need to talk with them, but I'm pretty sure the school would have been notified.

Reviewing my past difficulties, I cna now understand why I never got scholarships (I'm a 4.6GPA Valedictorian and received $600.00 in scholarships out of High School), I most likely lost financial aid because of a the posession of an opium pipe (FAFSA states you lose financial aid for having drug priors), as well not being hired for SEVERAL jobs, being told, "You're PERFECT for the position, we don't want your type though.", and now I've been fired wrongfully from a damn good paying job and reduced to making $500.00 a month tutoring little kids that act like the one that put me in this position.

I've tried doing research in the local law library and reviewing civil codes for this case, but I'm having a hard time since there is so much to look through. Does anybody have any suggestions about what I can do to get my name cleared (I am also told by the DA that this will stay on my record forever, biting me again in the future) because I do not think it is fair for California to so blatantly accuse me of crimes I never committed. I also want to seek reparations for the damage done to my name, character, mental and physical well-being. These last couple of months have been very difficult, as one can imaging.

So if anybody has any ideas or suggestions, short of physically abusing the individual that victimized me, I'd love to hear them. Any direction is better than where I am at now.
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