Parole, Probation violation of state paper, eligiblity for parole.

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can you be eligible for normal parole at your range after violating state PO a couple times.

Highly doubtful, but miracles happen everyday.Keep trying, there just might be a miracle coming to rescue you!
you know you could have just replied with a yes or no, you sound like a fucking chomo. I hate little smart ass smug prissy toed fagget punk bitch weak whores like you. Make sure you wipe your pussy after you piss so you don't soil your panties. I got a miracle you can rescue right here in my droors, some rock hard dick for your jaw.
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anonymous9000 said:
you know you could have just replied with a yes or no, you sound like a fucking chomo. I hate little smart ass smug prissy toed fagget punk bitch weak whores like you. Make sure you wipe your pussy after you piss so you don't soil your panties. I got a miracle you can rescue right here in my droors, some rock hard dick for your jaw.

Wow, you scare me.


Keep looking for that miracle.

That's the only chance you've got left.

You'll be rescuing enough of those rock hard things in your mouth and anal cavity soon enough, fella.

I'll leave that to you and the dudes on cellblock 69.

Chow down and be sure to swallow!!!
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