Other Criminal Charges & Offenses "violent movement" of "extremist behavior"


New Member
The opening statement by AUSA prosecuting the Whitmer kidnapping bunch seemed to use "membership" in a "violent movement" using "extremist behavior" as a legal standard warranting grave consequences (rather than a bunch of halfbaked dunderheads as per defense argument).

Is there (precedential) case law defining "membership" in a "violent movement" that (may require a showing of) "extremist behavior" or are these issues for pre-trial detention / pre-sentencing reports?

Thank you
It may be relevant to proving the specific elements of the crimes.
If you know the specific statutes that have been charged you can read them and have a better understanding of evidence presented.
That language sounds like it may have something to do with an enhancement.
Come on down, they happily have preserved around here the names and pictures of the first chapter members of the revived KKK (1920's) And they were outstanding citizens of the community, one of those country club type organizations to join.
Is there (precedential) case law defining "membership" in a "violent movement" that (may require a showing of) "extremist behavior" or are these issues for pre-trial detention / pre-sentencing reports?

Sounds like you're talking about a situation akin to gang affiliation. Determining the existence of case authority would require legal research. Not sure what your connection is to the case in question, but the prosecutor and defense attorney presumably know how to do case research. Do you can do some yourself at scholar.google.com.
Sounds like you're talking about a situation akin to gang affiliation. Determining the existence of case authority would require legal research. Not sure what your connection is to the case in question, but the prosecutor and defense attorney presumably know how to do case research. Do you can do some yourself at scholar.google.com.

And why would a person need to have a connection to the case that is in the national news to have a reasonable question? If you will remember during the Rittenhouse case there was an issue with what both the defendant and the "victims" could be called during the trial.
And why would a person need to have a connection to the case that is in the national news to have a reasonable question?

I don't recall saying that such a need existed.

If you will remember during the Rittenhouse case there was an issue with what both the defendant and the "victims" could be called during the trial.

I'm not familiar with that case or what it might have to do with the case that the OP referenced.

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