Virgina-Non Disparagement agreement in order to receive last paycheck and expense

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I recently quit my job as a sales rep for a Virginia based internet start up company. I was only there for 3 months as the product was simply not ready to be sold.

I gave them notice on May 14th and I received an email from the VP stating they didn't need 2 weeks notice and my last day would be May 18th. He said this date because it coincided with the end of the pay period. I was okay with this. Then they asked for their equipment (laptop, etc) to be sent to them before they would mail any salary checks or my expense checks for April and May. I told them that without knowing how much they owed me I could not send equipment back. I would be happy to send back as soon as they gave me an amount in writing of what they owed.

If I can take a further step back here...I never signed any letter of employment from this company as I did not agree with some of the verbiage. I told them this when I started and they said they would re-work and send it again for signature. They never sent one back to me. So, upon my resignation demand that I know what I am owed before I send anything back to them they keep quoting this document I never signed. I have asked them to provide me a copy of this letter of employment that is signed by me. I have yet to see it.

Now, since I have been demanding in my request they are having a non-disparagement agreement drawn up that they are asking me to sign in order to receive my last pay check and expenses.

Do I have to sign this agreement in order to get paid? Since I never signed a Non-Disclosure or letter of employment can they force me to send their equipment back before I get paid? I was skeptical of receiving any monies after I sent their equipment back and I wanted to make sure it was in writing that they owed me the $5000 or so. They felt as though I was causing problems and they have said repeatedly they will take me to court and it cost me more than the monies they owe me. I only want to get paid what is owed to me and return their equipment.

Any help or advice is much appreciated...They are trying to force me to do this immediately although I have not see this non-disparagement agreement.

I am a Connecticut based salesperson that works for a Virginia based internet company.
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