Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Virginia- First Offence Petty Larceny

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The other day I was charged with petty larceny at a VA store. I didnt actually walk out the store or even go through the sensors they stopped me before that. I have a summons in late Sept, of course I feel like an idiot and regret the whole thing but I just want to know what my options are? What is the likelyhood that Ill be inprisoned? (the total amount of the items totaled around $20-$25). Im very nervous and scared and I just want it all to go away.
VA has some of the toughest shoplifting laws in the states. I work in retail theft occupation and have a contact in VA who says you could get a couple days in jail. You need to talk to an Attorney and ask about options like ACD or Diversion providing your record is clean. You might also enroll and complete the Anti shoplifting course offered by NASP (non profit group) I know of a case where the person showed Judge his completion letter from NASP course and Judge dismissed his case on the spot! read that testimonial here
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