Visitation and my ex

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New Member
Our FJD states that "the fther is entitled to three (3) weeks during the summer. He can choose to have two (2) consecutive weeks and then a non-consecutive week or three (3) non-consecutive weeks. The father is to give to the mother a notice in writing thirty (30) days prior to the begining of summer vacation from school as to which weeks he would his visitation. The mother may reserve one (1) week that she will definitely have the children by giving him notice in writing forty0five (45) days prior to the beginning of the summer vacation from school. In the event that either party travels out of town with the children, they are to submita written itinerary to the other party."

Now, with that information, the last day of school was May 23 for my children. I sent via certified mail my itinereary for the dates of July 26-August 2 that my ex-husband signed for on April 14. On June 5, he emailed me a list of dates for three separate weeks dated: June 10-19, June 27-July 6, and July 11-20.

I don't understand how with three weeks, he's allowed to have 30 days total between June 10 and July 30. To me a week is 7 days. Friday to Friday. Not 3 days tacked on prior to your weekend, and 4 tacked onto the end.

Any advice????

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