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I live in new york and have a dicorce, where my x-wife and I share joint custody with her as the custodial parent. I was granted liberal visit, but my wife is in contempt of that order and I am taking her back to court.
In the mean time in an attempt to see my children I wanted to have lunch at school with my daughter, when I phoned the principal, he informed he spoke with my wife and she will not allow it. My question is does the school have the right to deny me access to my children?
It really is up to school policy. You are the father and you should have access to your children.

However NY highly frowns upon a parent denying access to children. I personally see nothing wrong with having lunch with your child.

If you can have the principal email this or write this down, bring it to court. NY is one of the only states that has allow against parental alienation. A judge might not be too happy with her if she denied you having lunch at school with your kids.

If she is also in contempt for visits, she is setting herself up for some trouble in court.
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