Voluntarey termination..cuz MD note did not come on time.

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I was being severly harrassed at work..I had gone to HR my manager...everyone..noone did a thing about it..
I went to a MD and we decided that it would be good for me to take a personal leave.I brought all the paper work to my Doctor, to fil out..
for weeks i need to have the paper work extended..It was never sent..myd ibe manager told me I had one final day to get the paper work in ... he never did. I have gone through suck extreme hell. I have 5 children and 4 grandchildren.I was wondering is there is any reprocussion for not follow through on the paper work....I would still have my job there...what di you think thak yOh and now I have orderd a hearing with the school board. I am doing the best I can to hold on ..it is not easy!!
No, it was not Fmla..I had exshausted all my leave time because I had a sickness they thought I had Lou gerhigs disease. I came back to work and was being called names.,having charts physically pulled out of my hands..rumors about me and others in the dept, having threesomes, and one woman in particular who wanted my job, asking managment about my personal hiring information. They gave it to her..we are not union, so it wouldnt have mattered. I went to all the proper channels to file grievances, I even called the hotline because I was experiencing such horric retaliation. That is when I left sick..I was so upset from one of the nurses pulling a chart out of my hands on the floor, and proceeding to go to the back and when I went to pull a chart in that location she was huddled with several people talking about me..I began to throw up..and in the process urinated in my pants. I left home sick..and filed a workmans comp stress leave..They denied it. I continued out on leave and asked if I could be cut back to a per diem positon until I could find something else..they refused. My doctors office had my paper work I called and left several messages and told them that I had a dead line. But they never got the paperwork to them I was forced to voluntarily resign. I do not know whether they put me as a rehire or not...I lost everything..because they allowed aggressive and hostile behaviour..and my doctor did not get the papers to them on time..I was not in controll of filling out the forms they were in the MD possesion. Is there any recourse for me..this whole situation is just wrong!!
I thought you actually got help from this place....???

some people will help you...i will...you have a disability under the california fair employment and housing act, in california. it is your employer's responsibility to accomodate your disability and to recognize it as such. contact the ca dfeh




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What type of "help" do you want? Oh, help that tells you what you want to hear.

If the leave was not FMLA, then your job was not protected.
What type of "help" do you want? Oh, help that tells you what you want to hear.

If the leave was not FMLA, then your job was not protected.

:no: you apparently don't understand disability law either, where do you people come from....do you keep current on your training on this stuff....adaaa and eeoc states that an employer must hold a job open for an employee out on disability. thank god the feds are finally integrating fmla and disability law and making it easier to understand...what old school did you graduate from patricia:rolleyes: i get it, do you

i posted the link, did you bother to read it

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