Voluntary Repo Time Limit??????

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boy oh boy do i have a pickle for you. here is my situation, i went in on a loan (a whopping $2500) with my father. our deal was, after i paid my portion of it (less than half) he would refinance and combine it with a couple other existing loans he had at the bank. the main reason he needed to refinance was because my car was used as collateral for the loan. so, the time came, i was done paying my part, i moved half way across the country (USA) and he was to refinance. initially, i was told he did. until i went to register my car and saw the lien was still there. upon me calling the bank to get it released, they claim they didn't refinance (i know they did, they tried to get my permission to use my car again and i said no and didn't sign what they sent me) and that the loan was still there so the car is still collateral. we are dealing with a small town and a loan officer that has known my dad for decades.
being that i'm 1500 miles away, i'm backed up against a wall. so, then my dad calls me and says he's filing chapter 7...on the loan that my car is collateral on...the car isn't even worth the loan amount in the first place. but, i have been telling them to come get the hunk of junk or release the car. pick one, do it. they still haven't come to get it and they still haven't released it. is there any kind of time limit they have for a voluntary repo or if i'm giving them the dang car to get this over with? technically, it turns my stomach to hand it over, but it needs work and i don't want to dump money into it if it is just going to get repo'd. any advice would be awesome!!

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