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WACO, Texas (KWTX) A Waco man who police say called 911 seven times in two hours on Monday remained jailed Tuesday, charged with abusive call to 911 service.

Otis Degrate, 64, was held in lieu of $1,000 bond Tuesday.

"It was reported that beginning at around 6:30 in the morning, Mr. Degrate called 911 to speak with officers about his 'sixth sense,'" police said in a Facebook post Tuesday.

"After officers and dispatch informed him that it wasn't an emergency and that we have a non-emergency phone number Degrate continued to call 911. He called a total of 7 times in 2 hours and told officers that he would keep calling, forcing officers to take him into custody for abusing the 911 service," police said.

The Waco Police Department has a line for non-emergency calls.

The number is (254) 750-7500.


I'd like to learn MORE about Degrate's SIXTH sense........

Local man arrested for calling 911 seven times in 2 hours

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