Permanent Residency Waiting for green card.How to make inquiry(Please help)

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Hello Guys

I am waiting for my physical permanent resident card. Its been 2 months has been passed after I got approved.

After approval I also got a DUI.Is that going to matter my green card if it is already approved.

I call custopmer service number they took all my details and told me that they will send this inquiry to office.It seems that they can only answer general questions and not any question relating to specific case.

What is the best way to know what is holding my card or how long it will take .

Please reply
2 months? You need a lot more patience. I know many cases where the people were waiting 6 months or longer to receive their cards. This is the former INS you are dealing with here, they don't work that fast.

You can expect a letter from them following your phone inquiry about 2-3 weeks after your call. Unless they really have sent it out already and it got lost in the mail, they will tell you to wait.

As to the DUI, look at the other posts here concerning criminal offenses and aliens. A simple DUI usually is not considered a crime of moral turpitude, therefore usually it has no impact on a green card.
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