I informed my landlord 30 days in advance about me moving out on May 15,2013 I have been calling him to see when he will bring my security deposit I basically got one day before my move out date he still not answering my calls or text about my security deposit and I don't want to leave the state without my security deposit in fear that if I leave without it I won't receive it should i stay in the apartment till he answers his phone and let me know when going give it to me or pack up and stay somewhere till he calls with a set date on when he will give it to me
You don't NORMALLY get your security deposit back on the date you vacate the premise you were renting.
You get it back in accordance with your state's law.
The landlord gets to inspect the unit, obtain estimates to repair the unit (if required), etc...
Normally the state in which the unit is located requires the landlord to return the deposit by mail to the tenant within 15-30 days AFTER the tenant leaves.
I suggest you Google (YOUR STATE landlord-tenant security deposit return) and it read about teh law in YOUR STATE.
As as example, here is a website that offers information about returning security deposits in all sates.
Perhaps you can locate your state's law there?
Notice, Tennessee's state law is QUIET on security deposit returns.
Bottom line: Even if the law says 24 hours, it doesn't force the landlord to return the money. To do that is some cases, you might have to sue the landlord to get a judgment saying he or she owes you money. That still won't get you money, juts a judgment that you'll have to try and collect.
==================== Here are some examples on various state laws ==============
Connecticut: 30 days, or within 15 days of receiving tenant's forwarding address, whichever is later. The landlord may be responsible for up to double the amount of the security deposit for failing to return the deposit.
Georgia: One month
Kentucky: 30-60 days depending on whether tenant disputes deductions
Many landlords require a deposit equal to one month's rent. The landlord must keep all tenant's deposit money together in a separate account used only for that purpose........
Tennessee: No statutory deadline