Waiving Back Child Support Help

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I have been divorced since March 2013. I made the papers on a computer program and he signed everything away to me. He didn't even show up to court because he already moved states. He also still has yet to take his parenting classes. Over the past years he has struggled to keep a job and has never actually paid child support timely. Some times he skips months and sometimes it's only half a months worth. Child support is set to the minimum of $321.50 for us right now. He has lived in 5 different states since December 2012. He sees his kids once a year at Christmas. Twice if they're lucky. And talks to them on the phone every few months. Just recently he moved to Nevada. In Nevada you have to have a license to work. He can't get one because of back child support. He originally wanted me to waive the back child support of $3,100 so he could be able to get a job and start paying again. Now he is willing to pay $1,300 towards it and is wanting me to waive the rest. I am worried that this could effect things in the future with my kids. I was told if I waive it, they could get kicked of Soonercare. He was told the amount was below the threshold, and it would be fine. I am also worried that if he threatens me, yet again, to take full custody of my children, waiving it would look bad on my part. And lastly, I am afraid that waiving it could negatively effect the outcome of any future chance of increasing child support.

Is this something that wont affect anything? Or should I just steer clear of it, because there is the possibility, down the road, it would look bad on me. I want to help him, I don't want him to suffer. And him getting a job is in the best interest of the kids. But, I need to make sure my children wont suffer as a result. His mom is swearing that if he doesn't pay back the rest like he promises, she will. If he really can't get a job like he says, it would be better to waive it so he can start working and I can get child support again. I'm just so scared that I'm going to screw myself down the line if I do.

Thank you so much for your time.
Don't ever collude with anyone or allow yourself to be tricked into helping a scammer.

Only a court can allow the deadbeat to get out from under the child support hammer.

He didn't pay you before he lost his license.
He won't pay you if he gets a license.
He's a deadbeat.
You said it, he prowls the USA avoiding work.

Even if he paid you $1,300 on the side, the court would consider it a gift.

He should be paying his child support through this agency in your state:

Program Information

Child Support Services (CSS) is providing the application for child support services online as a convenience to you. Please use application for child support services link below to access this form.

The blank form may be downloaded to your computer or it may be completed online and then printed but it can not be saved after it is completed. Contact our CARE Customer Service Center if you want an application mailed to you. OKC metro area only (405) 522-CARE (522-2273), Tulsa metro area only (918) 295-3500, all other areas call toll free 1-800-522-2922

I have been divorced since March 2013. I made the papers on a computer program and he signed everything away to me. He didn't even show up to court because he already moved states. He also still has yet to take his parenting classes. Over the past years he has struggled to keep a job and has never actually paid child support timely. Some times he skips months and sometimes it's only half a months worth. Child support is set to the minimum of $321.50 for us right now. He has lived in 5 different states since December 2012. He sees his kids once a year at Christmas. Twice if they're lucky. And talks to them on the phone every few months. Just recently he moved to Nevada. In Nevada you have to have a license to work. He can't get one because of back child support. He originally wanted me to waive the back child support of $3,100 so he could be able to get a job and start paying again. Now he is willing to pay $1,300 towards it and is wanting me to waive the rest. I am worried that this could effect things in the future with my kids. I was told if I waive it, they could get kicked of Soonercare. He was told the amount was below the threshold, and it would be fine. I am also worried that if he threatens me, yet again, to take full custody of my children, waiving it would look bad on my part. And lastly, I am afraid that waiving it could negatively effect the outcome of any future chance of increasing child support.

Is this something that wont affect anything? Or should I just steer clear of it, because there is the possibility, down the road, it would look bad on me. I want to help him, I don't want him to suffer. And him getting a job is in the best interest of the kids. But, I need to make sure my children wont suffer as a result. His mom is swearing that if he doesn't pay back the rest like he promises, she will. If he really can't get a job like he says, it would be better to waive it so he can start working and I can get child support again. I'm just so scared that I'm going to screw myself down the line if I do.

Thank you so much for your time.

Why do you care if he suffers or not? He obviously didn't care about his kids or you otherwise you'd likely still be married.

Don't waive it. If his mom wants to pay it off let her. As long as she pays it to the state, doesn't matter. They don't care who they get it from as long as it comes to them. I paid my ex's child support for like 2 years and half that time it went directly to her. She claims she filled out some form to account for what we gave her. But who knows? I paid like $1700 to the state over a year and a half for sure.

Don't waive it. He has to pay it off someday. How is he "threatening" to take full custody? Go ahead and let him file for custody. I guarantee he won't get very far with it in court. Sounds like my ex. He never came to court for the divorce. Didn't do parenting classes online so I get discretion of parenting time until he does. Which won't happen because he is lazy and only wants to be dad when it's convenient. Also just wants to do "fun" stuff and not everything that goes into being a parent.
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