Wal-Mart Employees Land on Naughty List

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Walmart is not well known for its trainning of its Asset Protection team. There are many incidents involving Walmart security and physcial altercations
I saw one put to the ground and restrained in Lubbock one night. Being the good citizen I am, I even offered to supply the wire ties.
I have seen Walmart personnel chase miscreants on several occasions.

It did provide me with some amusement.

One time they failed to catch a very fleet, footed lad as I drove onto their lot.

It was a very funny scene.

It reminded of one of those British fox hunts, hounds baying, little fox running for its life, and big bosses shouting encouragement to their hounds.

I learned later that the fox was subsequently captured by members of the local constabulary, hiding in some shrubbery.
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