Assault & Battery walmart theft indiana

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My daughter who is now 20 got caught stealing a small item at walmart. She went to jail and we got her out that night and have an upcoming court date in 2 wks. She has never been in any trouble before. I am afraid this will keep her out of her college program she is trying to get into and from getting a good job. On the court date, can we wait and ask the judge that day for a diversion? And will this put her on probation and comm. service, but keep it from BEING ON HER PERMANENET RECORD ?
There is no, we, here. Your daughter is a legal adult. She can represent herself or she can get an attorney (a public defender, if she or you can't afford one for her) but you do not have any standing to ask for anything at all.

It's a shame your daughter was not more concerned with her "permanent record" before she decided to become a thief.
Your best option for her is to seek a consultation with an Attorney (several is better) many offer this free on first visit. Ask about diversion as option. One thing does concern me is why was she jailed? Its the norm to cite and release for a minor shoplifting incident unless there are special circumstances. If so this might prevent diversion. You should also remove store name from post
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