Want to know if situation sounds right.

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About a month ago, my parents went on a Saturday to look at the nieghborhood of a house they were intrested in. When they approached the house, which is not visible from the road, there was no real estate sign or any other indication that it was for sell. On the next Tuesday, after the holiday, they went with their real estate agent to show her the house and location. That time there was a real estate sign by the house, but not visible from the road. When they returned to the office, the real estate agent could not get any answer when she tried to call the agent holding the desired property. My parents finaly decided to try and call from the house and they got an imediate answer on the phone, they asked that he please talk to their agent about their wishes to purchase the house. Whe nthe agent for the house called my parents agent we informed her that it had been under contract already for three weeks. A week went by with my parents looking at other houses, after that time they decided to check agian on the desired house. This time they were informed that the closing for the contract was scheduled for June 26. My parents really want this house so they submitted a back offer in case the contract fell through. While continuing to look at houses, they were down that same street just over a week ago and there still was no sign by the road, but just within the last week, there has been a new, bigger sign placed by the road. They happend to see it over the weekend when they were looking at another house on that road. I just want to know if I am alone in feeling that something is wrong with the agents selling tactics?
Your parents know they can have a different agent (read: not the agent they're already using) show them the house, right?
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