Want to represent myself in a Federal Rule 60(b) Motion. Best to file pro se or propria persona?


New Member
22 years ago I was convicted of a crime. Since I am innocent, I going to file a motion to have the conviction overturned in a Federal Rule 60(b) Motion. I plan to represent myself. Is it better to file pro se or propria persona?
22 years ago I was convicted of a crime. Since I am innocent, I going to file a motion to have the conviction overturned in a Federal Rule 60(b) Motion. I plan to represent myself. Is it better to file pro se or propria persona?

Pro se, pro per, or propria persona all allude to the same meaning; any person who is acting as his/her own attorney before a court of law.

As to the substance of a Federal Rule 60(b) motiuon, that dog won't hunt, mate.

Read about such a motion:

Rule 60. Relief from a Judgment or Order

There's no way you can prevail under Rule 60(b), as its scope is narrow, and the motion must be "timely".

I don't think the court will consider a motion 22 years after the conviction to be timely, but I'm not a federal district court judge.

I've only had the misfortune to have practiced before the federal bench for decades.

Good luck.

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