While on Vacation at the colorado river ,we were pulled over by the Arizona Highway patrol in Parker for an illegal lane change, and the officer said he could smell marijuana.I was a passenger and was cited for section 13-3415a attempted drug paraphenalia- possess/use for the half marajuana ciggerette I had. The driver was given a warning, I missed the court date and would like to know what is the worst thing that could happen to me as I live in California not Arizona and have no way to get there.
I think the trooper was joshing you, OP.
Now for the TRUTH.
In AZ, as far as I know (that's why I looked it up), there are no misdemeanor cites for possession of the old devil weed or the crapanalia used to inhale the devil weed's aroma.
That cite is a felony.
AZ and TX don't play with weed offenses.
It can often be pled to a misdemeanor, but never issued as one.
LOL, I didn't know in AZ they catch and release felonies.
Can you let us know if the cite (under what AZ statute) the jocular trooper cited you is correct as you posted it?
I see you posted this: section13-3415a
That cite in your case is a felony, a class six felony!!!
Read this:
I chose NORML, because that group stays on top of weed laws. LOL
You might want to discuss this with a lawyer in AZ, the county where you were popped.
By the way, AZ will, and often does extradite.