Want to sue woman who moved across country to avoid being sued.

New Jersey
I've been seeing this woman for two years during the last several months in the relationship she fell on to hard times. So, I loaned her money and she was suppose to reimburse me. I also have lots of information on her over the years. Her birthday, her then current and past addresses, her parents contact information, and her aunt information as well. I even have her resume since I printed it out for her as her printer wasn't working. Her current phone number is still active if that means anything. She just refuse to answer.

Well, the money I loaned her wasn't enough, she said she needed more money in an emergency. So, when I said no, she stole it from me and almost damage personal property. I went to the police to report what happened and they calim the matter is civil.

I had everything I needed to go to court in NJ. Then I found out she moved to California and everything went to a screeching hault. She left a voicemail apologizing to me and that was it. After that I just tried to forget about everything.

If I file in NJ and hire a skip tracer and they do find her. Do I still present my case if she doesnt' appear? I don't think she will fly back, I have a promissory note. I didn't contact her parents. From what I piece together they went their seperate ways giving up on her but talk to her from time to time. I don't think her parents or aunt will provide her address for me to sue her. I thought about telling them what happend but I don[t think that will solve anything. And those are her real relatives.

If I file in NJ and a skip tracer can find her, I go to court and present my case. However I do not believe she will bother to show up. Obviously, I will present what I have but how would I go about collecting?
how would I go about collecting?

That's the thing. Even if you find her, even if you get a judgment, she's a low-life deadbeat criminal and your chances of ever seeing a nickel are ZERO.

Be thankful that she has put a continent between the two of you.

Learn from the experience that you never let girlfriends live with you and you never give them any money. Don't be a sucker. The law doesn't protect suckers.

Now get over, stay over it, and get on with your life.

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