- Jurisdiction
- Oregon
Oregon. My deceased uncle left real property (real estate) to three people: C, T & W equally. T & W are a married couple. C gave T & W money for which they released their rights using a quit claim deed (which has only been notarized not recorded.) Now the estate is closing and the executrix (who also happens to be C) is going to record a warranty deed in the name of C. I assumed it would be a two step process: Step 1 - estate transfers the property to C, T & W with a warranty deed and then Step 2 - another warranty deed would be recorded - removing T & W (with the original quit claim deed then thrown away - it was originally signed by T & W to protect C in case T & W were bad people - or died - and refused to sign the final warranty deed). The executrix now just wants to add the quit claim as an exhibit and record only one warranty from the estate to C. Is this kosher? I am T of the T & W and we are not bad people