Medical Malpractice Was doctor negligent in not prescribing statin or blood pressure medication?

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My husband has been seeing the same doctor since 2004. Most every year, he would have fasting bloodwork done to check cholesterol levels. Every year his ratios were out of range. The doctor never suggested going on a cholesterol medication, just to watch his diet and try to quit smoking. It is in his chart that his Dad had heart disease (and untimately died from a heart attack). Six weeks ago my husband told the doctor he had frequent heartburn when he overexerted himself, so the doctor ordered a stress test. One test led to another and he ended up having a quadruple bypass two weeks ago.

Although my husband could have had the coronary artery disease before 2004, we feel that the doctor did not pay enough attention to the high cholesterol, high blood pressure and family history of heart disease, and that if he was put on cholesteroal and blood pressure lowering medications 6 or 8 years ago, the CAD quite possibly would not have progressed to the point that it did. Could the doctor be considered negligent?
There is no possible way a message board can answer that. You will have to have your husband's full medical record reviewed by a med-mal attorney to get an answer to that question.
Miss judge at court , police Also knows the truth of charges. Help me have these charges expunged properly. I have paper work to prove I'm not guilty; so help me God. Thx
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