Was I hired under false pretences?

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I apllied for a job and was put through a math test which i failed the first time retook it and passed and then failed a personality test and was told that i probably didnt get the job due the the fact that i failed the personality test. However about 2 to 3 days later i recieved a call to come in for an interview and then i was hired. I worked for the company for approximatley 1 week and a half or so and was told yesterday that they had to let me go for the fact that i failed the personality test is that considered hiring under false pretences?
I have never heard of "hiring under false pretenses." I seriously doubt Oklahoma recognizes such a civil cause of action.

If you were an "at-will" employee, then your employer could legally discharge after a week and a half. It seems the left hand did not know what the right hand at this company was doing here. While your discharge may be inequitable, it does not appear illegal.
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