Was there a conflict of interest?

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I have had a family therapist for 16 years. He counseled my son from his teens to adulthood. My son left him owing him money for visits. I continued to see the Dr. for support. ( Many members of my family have seen him for counseling.) My reason to see him was to cope with other family members actions, my son's included, who has not been able to keep a job, and is a chronic alcoholic, has been diagnosed bipolar, has major ups and downs. He is 31. He left Dr. owing him and Dr. has, over the years Dr. has tried to get him to send payments. He sent small ones, but not enough I guess. Anyway, during our sessions Dr. would ask about my son's employment, financial status, addresses and phone numbers. During visits, he shared with me he would be pursuing legal action against my son if he didn't pay. This made me uncomfortable and I told him so. I sent him $300 after filing in small claims court but continued proceedings. I notified him that I couldn't see him as a patient any more because I felt like there was a conflict of interest. The info he was getting from me, his patient, he was using against my son. Dr. assured me he could continue seeing me, but I felt since my son's situation had a lot to do with my needing support, I was seeing the wrong person. My question is: Was thre a conflict of interest on Dr.'s part?
If the doctor used your confidential information that you shared, then that is a breach of ethics. Whether this makes any difference in the grand scheme of life and your case is another issue. Your son owes him money. You should just settle the amount and live amicably. That is probably the best way to resolve this. Good luck.
I agree, I just wanted your opinion. I don't plan to do anything, other than encourage my son to pay his bills. Thank you.........
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