Was this slander?

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Last night my ex-husband & I got into yet another verbal battle at the end of which he sarcastically told me to have a pleasant night. I replied that I would probably have a better night than he would...he then asked "oh why is that?" and my response was "because I don't live with a bitch like you do". At this point my boyfriend stepped in and requested that my ex leave our home as he was becoming verbally abusive and my ex left, but yelled some really nasty things at my boyfriend as he was getting into his car. About 1/2 an hour later, I got a voice mail from my ex's girlfriend whome he lives with, accusing me of slander because I called her a bitch and that she was fully prepared to contact her lawyer and sue me for the same. Now to my mind, I just referred to her but not by name. I just want to be clear that she really would have no case were she to get brave and actually try to sue me.


Midnight Angel

Type into your computer's search engine, legal definition of slander or libel. Maybe that will help you.:rolleyes:
I already did that but it really didn;t make it any clearer, that's why I posted here, I was hoping that someone would have the answer. Thanks anyway

Harassment, see US Code Title 18, 1514 (c)

I'm not a lawyer, but in my opinion from reading the legal definition is that she has to have some tangible impact or damages, such as not being able to get a job or it impacts her relationship with your ex-husband such as now he won't marry her or wants a divorce, or people shun her all because of something you said that isn't true. NOW, they may come up with some other legalese term...harassment:
United States Code Title 18 Subsection 1514(c), 1. Harassment is defined as "a course of conduct directed at a specific person that causes substanial emotional distress in such person and serves no legitimate purpose."
Bottom line, do they have the time and money to file a complaint with a lawyer? Do you have lawyer to counter-sue? Is your ex- husband doing the same to you and your husband as you are doing to him and his significant other?
Easier said than done but ...Don't speak to your Ex unless you have to and then only about factual things. If he says something nasty don't reply just smile and shut the door or say have a nice day. If something isn't getting done...money, payments, property issues let a lawyer do your talking.
Thank you.

This just keeps getting better. Apparently my ex-husbands girlfriends tires were slashed later that same evening and they're accusing my boyfriend of doing it...even though they have no proof AND I was on the phone with him the whole time after he left my house to return to his. I think you're correct in what you said about just smiling sweetly and closing the door. They're both insane in my opinion.

Thanks again.

Be very careful...

You need to be careful if the situation is escalating, which it sounds like it is. They may try and get a restraining order against you and your husband. Nosey questions: What do you and your Ex have to talk about that after the blow up at the house you are still talking to him on his cellphone until he gets home? For your protection and your familiy's, stop the fighting! Don't argue and fight with your ex...get a mediator or something or only talk through lawyers. Hang up the phone after politely saying bye bye or say I have to go now, nice talking to you and shut the door. Tires getting slashed is violence and whether your husband did it or not, your Ex thinks he did and what comes next? More violence? If he drops off the kids he can walk them to the door, ring the bell and walk away before you answer. And vice versa when you drop them off at his house. You may have to have that put into the child visitation decree if that is what's going on. But what ever you do the fighting has to stop for your safety and your new family's safety.
calalily said:
Nosey questions: What do you and your Ex have to talk about that after the blow up at the house you are still talking to him on his cellphone until he gets home?

No, I wasn't talking with my ex-husband on the cellphone, I was talking to my boyfriend - he lives here with me most of the time, but that night he had to go back to his place. I have already told my ex that he & I have nothing to talk about unless the subject is our son or the military (which we're both in).

And yes, my ex WOULD just walk into my house when he brought our son home from visitation, but I have also told him that he is to say his goodbyes outside and he is no longer welcome to come into my house unless there is something about our son that we need to discuss and even then I would prefer that he call me. See my house WAS his house too before the divorce and my ex wanted it sold but I refinanced it so it's only in my name - that's in the divorce agreement as well - and he hasn't yet gotten over the fact that he "lost" the battle to have the house sold...so he still feels that he has the right to just walk in whenever he wants. However, I've told him that if he does it again, I will ask him nicely once to leave and if he doesn't I will call the police.

The situation is escalating because my ex and his girlfriend are making that way - my ex HATES my boyfriend with a passion - he feels that my boyfriend "stole" me from him (like I'm a pair of earrings at WalMart or something) and would stop at nothing to make our lives miserable. This is just another example of him trying to do just that.

Anyway, thanks for the ear. I appreciate it.

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