washington mobile home law and section 8 housing

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A year ago the old owner sold mobile home park 7 days before he did so i purchased my trailer. when new owners purchased they went down and payed any and all taxes on all the property including some of the mobile homes. I am on section 8 housing. I went down 12 days after receiving title and some how new owner because he paid taxes got my place under his name. It took me almost a year to get it in my name. they saw he paid taxes yet he neer titled it thats because i had title, so in august i finally got in my name. I was paying 1100.00 a month even though i owned my trailer 525 space rent 575 trailer. so august they received 1100 and I also received a 20 notice to move. that automatically stopped future payments from housing. so month of october was now up to me until they sign new agreement with housing. attorney general stepped in stated i did own my trailer so they said i could stay. i asked if they would sign new agreement they said they would even told housing they would. I told then due to them collecting too much rent august to carry it over to oct. I got a notice to pay vacate of 1100. and now eviction papers what can i do
what i did do is tell them to apply the 575 towards october and paid the taxes they paid on the mobile. they cashed that check and then a week later sent it back to me in a personal check. I told them if they really feel they are owed the 525 i will pay it. I have my mobile home for sale at this time they have tuerned away 4 people already who wanted to purchase. i also have payed alot in deposits since i do not rent the mobile anymore can i get as refund on that now
There's no way anyone could tell you what another person might do.
You can ask.
They can agree, or say no.
If they say no, and you disagree, off to court you must go.
Any court action takes forever and a day.
If time is of the essence, it's time for you to negotiate and strike a deal.
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