Water coop


New Member
Myself and others are wondering we are a water coop and we just elected a new board because the previous board embezzled money and just resigned when our pump went out. So we had a meeting to elect a board and not even half the people returnedbtheir ballots so is the election legal for one in our bylaws it says 51 percent of homeowners has to vote. Plus the new president is friends with the prior board so hesitant going to investigate the missing money plus he wants to turn it into a water district and a lot of members do not want this we are wondering if we can start a petition to turn it over to the county to run. Plus what can we do to look into the missing money? Thank you for your time and advice in this matter.
bylaws it says 51 percent of homeowners has to vote.

Are you quoting word for word or paraphrasing? Please make sure you are quoting the voting provision word for word in it's entirety.

Plus the new president is friends with the prior board so hesitant going to investigate the missing money

Then report to local law enforcement. Anybody can do that. You don't have to rely on the new president.
Myself and others are wondering we are a water coop

You're wondering if you are a water coop? You're either a member of the coop or you aren't. Why are you uncertain about this?

and not even half the people returnedbtheir ballots so is the election legal for one in our bylaws it says 51 percent of homeowners has to vote.

Seems to me that you've answered your own question.

we are wondering if we can start a petition to turn it over to the county to run.

You can start all the petitions you like. Did you really think the answer might be otherwise?

Plus what can we do to look into the missing money?

This question doesn't make much sense, but I'd suggest you retain the services of a local attorney.

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