Water Damage after pipe froze, heat was off

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New Member
My daughter had been having problems with her apartment thermostat, the heater ran constantly unless she turned it off. She didn't notify management for several weeks. When she did notify them, they came out that day and fixed it. Coldest weather of the year was coming so building management sent out notices to keep heat on and leave some faucets dripping.

My daughter came home the night they fixed the thermostat, slept in her apartment, and got up the next day and left town for several days. She got a call several days later that a pipe burst and it flooded the ceiling, walls, carpet, insulation. When management entered her apartment, they found the heater off. She must have turned off the thermostat out of force of habit froom when it was broken. The complex is charging us (me the cosigner) $1300 for repairs. My daughter doesn't have renters insurance. My wife and daughter don't want to pay because they say the complex can't prove who is liable since their maintainance man was in the apartment fixing the thermostat. The complex says he left the heat on when he left and there is no way my daughter could have slept in the apartment in the low 20's if the heat was off. The only sliver of hope I see is a pipe burst in another apartment the same night and that apartment had it's heat on.

Do I have any recourse? Hiring a lawyer would probably cost as much as just paying the bill. And they can take me to small claims court and mess up my creidt as well.
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