Water Park Injury

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I was on vacation at a water park a few days ago and while going down one of the slides, I hit something on the side wall and lacerated the bottom of my foot which required a trip to urgent care and 6 stitches. I have been in some pain and have been unable to walk without crutches since then.

The water park has been very kind wrt paying for my medical expenses but there has been no talk of offering anything for pain and suffering.

I am wondering how I should handle this with the park's insurance adjustor?

Thank you for any input that you can provide.
Zcebl said:

I was on vacation at a water park a few days ago and while going down one of the slides, I hit something on the side wall and lacerated the bottom of my foot which required a trip to urgent care and 6 stitches. I have been in some pain and have been unable to walk without crutches since then.

The water park has been very kind wrt paying for my medical expenses but there has been no talk of offering anything for pain and suffering.

I am wondering how I should handle this with the park's insurance adjustor?

Thank you for any input that you can provide.

There will be no talk of pain and suffering from the insurance adjuster.

The adjuster's job is to get you to settle as cheaply as possible.

The adjuster's bonus is tied to how much is saved for the insurance company, by screwing you.

You should STOP communicating with the adjuster and retain a personal injury lawyer.

He/she will take your case for about 1/3 of your award.

Allow your lawyer to negotiate on your behalf, and presto, the offers will start arriving.
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