Permanent Residency Way to get a green card

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I'm a canadian citizen and I'm considering joining the US army. The only way to do so is through a green card, but Canada can NOT take part in the green card lottery, so I wonder is there any way I could get this visa.
BTW: I have no US relatives...

There are basically only two ways to get a Green Card:

-through relatives

-through employment including investment

If you do not have any relatives the only way is through employment. There are five categories of employment visa that give a green card:

-Outstanding professional (you need to be a world-famous scientist or something similar)
-skilled worker
-special immigrant (this is basically only for former US government employees and ministers)
-investor (here you need $ 500,000 - 1 million which you invest in a business and create new jobs)

For most people only categories 2 and 3 are realistic. Here you need a profession and usually a job offer of an American company. The company has to go through the cumbersome labor certification process. Since there are easier alternatives for hiring a Canadian most companies will probably not do that.

I fear you will have to look for a career in the Canadian army instead.
Thanks you Sir for your help. I thought that might be the case :( I guess I'll have to change some of my plans, they won't include the Canadian army though.
Once again thanks for your help.
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