If an employee, on day 2 of orientation, verbalizes that the physical training for the position causes them back pain due to an injury they had at another job , can we reasonably assume that they cannot perform the physical requirements of the position and discharge them? Can we request a dr. note confirming the employee can perform the physical duties of the job?
With new federal laws on health rights, don't poke around in someone's medical affairs.
If you, as an employer are having doubts, shut it down now.
Don't wait, don't ask, just end it.
There are plenty of people you can hire that will set your mind at ease.
I suggest you don't offer a reason for terminating an at will employee, ever.
A smart employer simply says, we no longer have a need for your services.
You simply have their full and final paycheck ready, hand it to them, tell them this is their last day, let them leave early (paying them for the day), wish them well, and say goodbye; while showing them to the door.
Never ever give a reason.
Giving a reason usually leads (or could lead) to trouble later.
Just as you (the employer) needed to reason to hire them, you need no reason to terminate them.