Website Order Rip Off

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New Member
I purchased two horses from an online broker based in Manitoba, Canada. I picked the horses out from pictures on her website. I sent a cashier's check for $1700 made out to the broker in September. I have the cancelled check which shows it was deposited to the broker's account in October. In December I was told the horses were going to ship on 12/17 and to send her the shipping fees of $150 for both horses (she was going to be driving the rig). On 12/20 I got an email telling me I was not getting the horses and the farmer in Canada was keeping the money. The broker posted on her own message board (she controls it) telling everyone that she had contacted all those people who bought these particular horses from this particular farm and offered to send them proof that she had paid the farmer. Of course, I was never contacted about this and she never provided me with proof that she paid the farmer.

The broker promised me a "prompt" refund through several emails but begged me to give her until 1/31/05 to pay me back. There were 16 horses involved and over $11,000 in payments made for them. On 1/26/05 I emailed her asking if my refund was ready and have not heard a word back from her. Apparently she has no intention of refunding my money. I spoke to the farmer and he says he was never paid, and that she owes him over $10,000, that's why he would not release the horses for shipping. He said he hired a lawyer to send her letters and the lawyer sent 3. She ignored them all. He said it was too expensive to chase her for the $10,000.

Since she is not returning my emails, has not provided proof that she paid the farmer, I'm the one who was cheated out of $1850 and want my money back. I can't take her to small claims court because I would have to go to Canada to do that. I am in CA. I can't hire a collection agency to get my money back because they only deal with companies, not helping individuals.

I have reported this nightmare to several different agencies and, of course, won't hear from them as to how the "investigation" is progressing, if at all.

I can't just "forget" the money. It was my life savings and I did this based on high recommendations from people I trusted who don't care now... and based on all the "how wonderful the broker is" posts on her board. Well, she may have delivered horses to other people but I sure didn't get mine.

Where do I stand....other than being cheated?????
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