Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Wet reckless


New Member
Hello i got pulled over for driving under the influence in 2013 i got charged with wet reckless i did all my classes paid my fines my probation is over. Is their any way i can get it expunged cause i cant drive the company truck unless i get remove or expunged

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It is possible, but not easy to do. This is something that would require the assistance of an attorney and a good chunk of cash. If the cash is a problem I suggest waiting it out. It will eventually drop off the records.
Hello i got pulled over for driving under the influence in 2013 i got charged with wet reckless i did all my classes paid my fines my probation is over. Is their any way i can get it expunged cause i cant drive the company truck unless i get remove or expunged

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

These CA lawyers discuss wet reckless:

"Wet Reckless" as a plea bargain in California DUI cases

Why is a 'Wet Reckless' (VC 23103) Better Than a DUI? :: San Pedro, California Drunk Driving Defense Lawyer Greg Hill & Associates

What is the difference between DUI and "Wet Reckless"? -

An expungement won't help.
The stain will remain on your license, because DMV made a ruling AFTER the plea bargain was accepted.

Talk to a CA lawyer for greater details.
Insurance companies routinely pull a 5 year driving record. Once the wet reckless is 5 years behind you, you should be OK from an insurance standpoint which is usually what counts with insurance companies and employers who rely on competitively priced insurance..

Since your employer obviously knows about it, it would be up to your employer to decide if you drive the company truck or not even when it no longer appears on your motor vehicle report.

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