What are my options???

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New Member
I have a judgement that has been ruled against me that i did not have the money or attorney to fight. I have been sent the form Interrogatories in Aid on Execution and asked to fill out. This was sent to me in April 08 and I have not filled out because it asked for specific personal information, bank info, job info, asset info etc. Should i fill this form out and what can the firm that is handling the judgement do to me?. This is a crisis for me. I don't have any available resources to pay judgement.
Did you have a case? If you really had a defense, then you should have showed up. If you still do and have a good excuse why you didn't show, then you can try to reopen the case but I'll talk about that if we need to. With regard to the paperwork, it's an attempt for you to provide them with information to levy on your accounts, e.g. garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts.
Did you have a case? If you really had a defense, then you should have showed up. If you still do and have a good excuse why you didn't show, then you can try to reopen the case but I'll talk about that if we need to. With regard to the paperwork, it's an attempt for you to provide them with information to levy on your accounts, e.g. garnish your wages, freeze your bank accounts.

Thank You, Greatly appreciated. I know it has been quite a while and i will also get back with you.
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